With its impressive growth, highly educated workforce, and strategic location, it’s no wonder why the Philippines is called, “Asia’s Rising Tiger.” The country’s economy, which has been growing at a steady pace, is fueled by a consumer-driven population and is filled with plenty of opportunities to do business.

Wondering where to put your money in the Philippines? Here’s our list of the top investment opportunities.

1. Small Businesses

Among the most popular investment vehicles in the Philippines are small businesses. These can range from creating products to reselling items for retail. While it doesn’t require a huge starting capital, plenty of time and effort must be put into these small businesses for these to grow.

The restaurant industry in the Philippines, in particular, shows no signs of slowing down. Restaurants and food businesses can offer great returns. And it’s no secret that Filipinos love to eat.

2. E-Commerce

In a consumer-driven and technology-driven market, e-commerce in the Philippines shows no signs of slowing down. This method of doing business through the Internet is very popular among Filipinos and can be rewarding if handled properly. Online bank transactions are an accessible, convenient, and popular way to pay for goods, as well.

3. Retail

The growing population in the Philippines has also created a huge demand for retail. From clothes to household goods, the retail industry has a huge impact on the country’s economy. According to the Manila Bulletin, the retail business in the Philippines is thriving and full of opportunity. Grocery stores and supermarkets, in particular, are an essential service that provides long-term income. These grocery stores include modern grocery retailers, traditional grocery retailers (sari-sari stores and wet markets), and convenience stores.

4. Real Estate

The Philippines boasts a strong and thriving real estate market. And due to the country’s growing population, a robust economy, and the influx of foreign investors, the demand for real estate is seen to increase further. And unlike stocks, the value of real estate only keeps increasing over time.

There are four kinds of real estate investment opportunities in the Philippines: residential, commercial, industrial, and land. While foreigners can buy residential properties and condominiums under their name, they cannot own the land beneath it.

Condominiums, in particular, are a great investment since there is a growing condo rental market in the Philippines. They’re convenient, cost-effective, and they possess a ton of amenities that renters constantly look for.

5. Hotels and Lodging

Known for its thriving tourism industry, the  Philippines continues to have a massive number of local and international tourists. Aside from the attractions and must-visit destinations, the country is also a top choice for holding events. The 2019 Southeast Asian Games, Ironman Triathlons, and beauty pageants are just a few of the notable events held here.

When investing in hotels and lodging, look into the local demand and demographics. The number of arrivals of tourists and business travelers is a huge factor. Other factors to be considered are the local economy, the potential cash flow, and the tax benefits.

6. Agriculture

Agriculture plays an important role in the economy of the Philippines. In fact, this sector contributes an average of 8.82% to the country’s gross domestic product.  Since it is an agricultural country, you’ll find a variety of agribusiness (production, processing, and distribution) opportunities to invest in.

Investing in agriculture involves finding the right agribusiness to work with, having a strategy, and understanding the financial aspects.

7. Gym and Fitness

Filipinos are also known to be among the most health conscious races in the world. According to  Esquire, the Philippines is ranked 13 out of 89 on the list of health-conscious countries. That’s why investing in a gym or fitness center is a great opportunity and a profitable venture when done right.

Investing in a gym requires a relatively high starting capital. The majority of your capital will go to buying the necessary gym equipment while the rest will go to administrative costs and operating expenses. Gyms can go beyond bodybuilding, as well. Other fitness centers offer group training classes and programs like yoga, Zumba, and Pilates.

If you plan to invest in a gym or fitness center, identify your target market first. Knowing your target market helps you determine the kind of equipment you will need and where it will be located.

… and you might just need our assistance.

Searching for the right investment opportunity? We at FilePino would be more than happy to guide you throughout your investment journey. Set up a consultation with FilePino today! Call us at (02) 8478-5826 (landline) and 0917 892 2337 (mobile) or send an email to info@filepino.com