Whenever you find yourself at the mall or any establishment that you have to transact a sale with, whether that
While one would want to continue to sustain their business, there are instances where one must close their business due
According to the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines, Section 121 defines trade name as “the name or designation identifying or distinguishing
It is an unfortunate circumstance when a business needs to be closed. More often than not, a business needs to
What is Intellectual Property? Intellectual Property (IP) refers to the creation of the minds. It can be a brand name,
Less hassle in corporate maintenance if you are not ready to set up a business in the Philippines, engaging a
The mission of the Bureau of Customs (BOC) is to strengthen border control, enhance trade facilitation and improve collection of
Building a family is no easy feat. As parents, it is one’s duty to make sure that your children are
A foreign corporation, as defined in Section 140 of the Revised Corporation Code is one that is, “formed, organized or existing under laws
With the current set up of businesses where there is an influx of people who prefer to do freelance work,